Conferințe internaționale

2006.11.25-26: THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 2400 ARISTOTLE2016.09.23-24: The International Conference: Identity and Diversity in Contemporary Culture – Process Philosophy Approaches2016.03.18: CONSCIOUSNESS STUDIES AND THEATRE2015.09.07-10: Conferința Internațională ISCH - Time and Culture/Temps et Culture

CFP: International Conference “Identity and Diversity in Contemporary Culture – Process Philosophy Approaches”

Inter-academic Research Project
Culture and Value in Late Modernity
(The Approach of the Process Ontology through Art and Values in Knowledge-Based Societies)

The International Conference: Identity and Diversity in Contemporary Culture – Process Philosophy Approaches
Bucharest, Faculty of Philosophy, the 23th-24th of September 2016

The current increased rate of migrations to Europe and the various geopolitical conflicts taking place in several regions of the world raise not only political and military concerns, but also tensions related to the system of values that contrasting civilizations and cultures, involved in these processes, bring to the public attention.
Nowadays, at the beginning of the third millennium, the individual’s life is significantly marked by high technologies and their necessary dependence to artificial intelligence. Hence, in these circumstances, clear tendencies of revising and adjusting the understanding of the cultural identity, both in individual and communitarian senses, can be easily recognized among the postmodern society.
The individual succeeds, through the mediation of artificial intelligence, to create and raise a society in which space and time reshape the life in a specific manner, highly different from that of previous centuries. Contemporary social and cultural changes are significant and therefore, on the system of values of modernity, still dominant in certain cultural spaces, act powerful forces of redefining and re-evaluating the human identity in personal and collective frameworks.
How is still possible to preserve cultural identity, both on individual and community level, in a fluid society, transgressed by a continuous transformation? To what extent is still necessary and required such an identity, whose basic components are mainly cultural and religious, but not yet economic? What impact has already the phenomenon of globalization? Has it any effects on normalizing the cultural sphere of human life since, according to some researchers, globalization is effective only within the economic sphere? Moreover, if the answer is positive, than what are the involved consequences? How is culturally defined nowadays the relationship between the One and the Multiple, the same and the different, the “I” and the “Other”? To what extent it can still be achieved the unity between the two basic components of any individual human existence? Cultural, social and religious constructs always gave a meaning to the otherness, while philosophy continuously highlighted these characteristics, by relating them to a model of humanity, with a universal opening.

What are the potential contributions of the “process philosophy” to the understanding of identity and its connected tensions? Philosophical reflections and interdisciplinary analysis on the transformations taking place in the domain of cultural-identity, either of local or global significance, having broad effects on social and cultural dimensions, and certain consequences, yet unpredictable, but at least apprehended in the light of this philosophy, are those from which the debates of the current conference will start .
All those interested are invited to participate to such a debate on the 23th-24th of September 2016. Participants are asked to send an abstract of 250 words on, including the title, together with the information concerning their academic affiliation and a short CV, until 1st of August 2016. Confirmation of acceptance – the 20th of August 2016.
The International Conference Identity and Diversity in Contemporary Culture – Process Philosophy Approaches is organized by the Faculty of Philosophy (University of Bucharest) in partnership with CCIIF – The Research Center for the History of Philosophical Ideas, University of Bucharest, and is part of the Inter-academic Research Project Culture and Value in Late Modernity (The Approach of the Process Ontology through Art and Values in Knowledge-Based Societies)

Organizing committee:
Prof. Dr. Viorel Cernica
Prof. Dr. Mihaela Pop
Drd. Oana Șerban

Facultatea de Filosofie si CCIIF – Centrul de cercetare a istoriei ideilor filosofice organizeaza conferinta CONSCIOUSNESS STUDIES AND THEATRE, sustinuta de Prof. DANIEL MEYER-DINKGRAFE (University of Lincoln,UK). Evenimentul va avea loc vineri, 18 martie 2016, la ora 11:00, in Sala de Consiliu (etaj) a Facultăţii de Filosofie.

About Daniel Meyer-Dinkgräfe
Daniel Meyer-Dinkgräfe studied English and Philosophy at the Universität Düsseldorf, Germany. In 1994 he obtained his Ph.D. at the Department of Drama, Theatre and Media Arts, Royal Holloway, University of London. His thesis on Consciousness and the Actor was published by Peter Lang (Frankfurt, 1996). From 1994 to 2007, he was a Lecturer and Senior Lecturer in the Department of Theatre, Film and Television Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth. Since October 2007 he has been Professor of Drama at the Lincoln School of Performing Arts, University of Lincoln. For Routledge he edited Who’s Who in Contemporary World Theatre, and published Approaches to Acting, Past and Present with Continuum in 2001. He has numerous publications on the topic of Theatre and Consciousness to his credit, including Theatre and Consciousness: Explanatory Scope and Future Potential (Intellect, 2005) and Theatre, Opera and Consciousness: History and Current Debates (Rodopi, 2013) and is founding editor of the peer-reviewed web-journal Consciousness, Literature and the Arts, the book series Theatre and Consciousness with Intellect, the book series Consciousness, Literature and the Arts with Rodopi, and has hosted the biannual International Conference on Consciousness, Theatre, Literature and the Arts since 2005.

Conferinta Internationala ISCH – Time and Culture se va desfasura in perioada 7-10 septembrie 2015, in cadrul Facultatii de Filosofie a Universitatii din Bucuresti. Organizatori: ISCH, Universitatea din Bucuresti, Facultatea de Filosofie, Departamentul de Istorie Antica, Arheologie si Istoria Artei, CEREFREA, Centrul pentru Studii Medievale. Parteneri oficiali: Muzeul Taranului Roman, Radio Romania Cultural, LaPunkt, Muzeul Municipiului Bucuresti, Asociatia Alumni ai Universitatii din Bucuresti si Agence universitaire de la Francophonie. Programul conferintei si detalii suplimentare pot fi consultate accesand pagina oficiala a evenimentului:
